There are several stag do activities you can not do in Tallinn but many stag do activity providing companies offer these anyway. They just leave you wrong impression about the available stag do activities nothing more. We suggest you should try yourself to find local service providers by using Google. You will get information if the country really offers such activity and if yes then you will probably get it 2 times cheaper price from local service provider.
Stag kidnap / fake arrest / police arrest
Estonia is no longer a „banana state“ in the 90s, where everything is possible and for right sum of money even the „camel dances on the top of the pyramide“. It´s not available to buy of the Estonian police officers anymore. So you should be very sceptic about offers to stag kidnap / stag arrest / police arrest in Tallinn. Most likely this carneval will end very badly.

Beer bike
This activity was forbidden and there was a very good reason for it. Nobody did not have time to clean up this mess what a drunken stag do group could organize in town. Also this stag do activity is dangerous because the bike drives in the same raods as other vehicles and if someone fells off from this bike he could just get hit from a car. Not the best memories from your stag do.

Many stag companies advertise this avtivity is available in Tallinn, but actually it´s not. The nearest place you can do it is in Latvia.

Free fall simulator
This stag do activity is also not available in Tallinn. Probably this equipment cost too much and you never know how many years it takes you will get back the money you bought it. So this is probably the reason why there is not any service provider in Estonia, who would offer such stag do activity. stag do activities

Hover crafting
This activity you can do in Southern-Estonia but I am sure that nobody will want to drive 500-600km just to do that. This activitiy's price would be just too expensive to offer it. Years ago they were making business also in Tallinn, but the vehicles were destroyed. stag do activities

Snow mobile safary, jet ski experience, jeep safary (off-road safary)
These stag do activities are available in Estonia, but very far from Tallinn and nobody has time to spend all day to do this. Besides the activity price will be also too hight due to transfers price. stag do activities team will help you to organise the best stag weekend activities!
Achtung team has over 10 years experiences in organising stag do activities and other company events. You can send us a request and we will figure out the best solution according to your budget! Group size is not a limit to us!