Autode kasutamine paintballis annab mängule uue dimensiooni ja palju uusi võimalusi lahingu tsenaariumiteks ja mängu huvitavamaks ülesehituseks. Kasutage motor paintball 'is autosid tangina, kaitsekilbiks või varitsemiseks. Talvel annavad lisapõnevust libedad sõiduteed.
NB! Meie oleme motor paintballi idee autorid ja oleme motor paintballi korraldanud juba aastast 2012. Lisaks on meie kasutada parim mänguala Harjumaal, kus autodega paintballis on 4 autodega tsenaariumit. Poissmeestepeo raames saab nt kasutada SWAT-meeskonna bussi "pantvangi=poissmehe" päästmiseks terroristide käest.
Loe täpsemaid mängude kirjeldusi.
Motorpaintball 'i hinnakiri
Pakett I
Hind: 40 ,- inimene
- varustuse komplekt (relv, kaitseriided, mask, kindad)
- 200 värvikuuli relvas*
- instruktor
- autod mängu läbi viimiseks
Pakett II
Hind: 55,- inimene
- varustuse komplekt (relv, kaitseriided, mask, kindad)
- 200 värvikuuli relvas*
- transfeer toimumiskohta ja tagasi (Tallinna piires)
- tervitusjook, vesi
- instruktor
- autod mängu läbi viimiseks
Sünnipäeva pakett
Hind: 55,- inimene
- 2 tundi autodega paintballi
- Eesti parim paintballi ala
- 200 kuuli stardipaketis
- turvavalustus (mask, kindad, marker, kaitseriided)
- instruktaaz ja instruktor
- autod mängude läbiviimiseks
- peoruum sauna, mullivanni ja basseiniga 2 tunniks peale üritust
Loe lähemalt sünnipäeva paketist.
NB! Saadaval oktoobrist maini kui sisesauna kompleks on avatud. Suvel saadaval meie mobiilsed saunad hinnaga 100€ 2 tundi.
motor paintball + lasketiir
Hind: 80,- inimene
- 45 min GP kardisõit Laagri Unibet Kardikeskuses, sealhulgas:
soojendusõit, ajasõit, finaalsõit, kiiver, kombinesoon, instruktaaz
- 2 h motor paintballi lahingut meie juures, sealhulgas:
200+200 kuuli, marker, kaitseriided, mask, kindad, autod mängi läbiviimiseks, instruktor
Tegevuste järjekord sõltuvalt teie eelistustest ja kardikeskuse vabade aegade olemasolust.
* Lisakuule saab juurde osta 20 eur kott (500 kuuli)
* NB! Miinumum grupi suurus alates 8 inimest. Kui teid on vähem, tuleb maksta 8 inimese hind või liituda avatud motor paintballi lahinguga (vt üleval pool viimane pakett).
* Keskmiselt kulub kõikide tsenaariumite peale 2 tundi
Toimumiskoht - Vaata videot!
Motor paintball toimub Laagri vana sõjaväeosa 13. seniitraketiväeosa territooriumil, mida läbib kunagine Peeter Suure aegne Tallinna teine kaitseliinide süsteem. Samuti on sellest ajast säilinud paekivisse rajatud täismõõdulised kaevikute süsteemid. Kõige paremini säilinud süsteem on üle 700 meetri topeltliin, mis leiab alati mängutsenaariumites palju kasutust. Meie mängualalt leiab raketivägede erinevaid maa-aluseid ja -pealseid rajatisi ning ehitisi. Oleme ka alal teinud palju tööd, et ala oleks võimalikult ohutu.
See on kindlasti kõige mitmekesisem ala paintballilahinguteks Harjumaal. Lisaks on meil ainsana ala kasutusõigus.
Sita ilma jaoks on lahkunud võõrväed ehitanud meile angaarid, mille all võimalik nt hoovihma lõppemist oodata.
Pilte tänapäevasest motor paintballi alast leiate meie Facebooki albumist.
Vaata ka pilte talvisest lumisest paintballi alast meie Facebooki albumist.
- Soovitame rentida pärast aktiivset lahingumöllu paintballi ala peale mobiilsed saunad, kus hiljem koos sõpradega muljetada ja leili nautida.
KINKEKAART - kingi elamusi!
Ideaalne kingitus sõbrale sünnipäevaks või poissmeestepeo korraldamiseks meie juures. Kinkekaardi tagumisele küljele saame kirjutada lisainfosse, mida kinkekaart sisaldab. Kinkekaarti saab kasutada vaid meie korraldatud ürituste broneerimiseks.
Ideaalne võimalus kinkida oma parimale sõbrale üks vinge motor paintballi lahing sünnipäevaks või poissmeestepeoks!

Rohkem pilte motor paintballist leiate meie Facebooki kontolt
Great day out. Done bike drifting, then paintballing. Both were amazing, won't experience anything like it anywhere else! Were picked up and dropped off with ease too. Great value for... read more money and would highly recommend

veebruar 13, 2020
We didn't know what to expect when reserving the activity so it blew our minds. At first we had a shooting practice with a wide selection of guns and a... read more motor paintball at the old Russian military base after that. The staff were very friendly...More

november 14, 2019
We were a group of 18 people traveling to Tallin to have fun for the week-end. I was in contact with Jane ( since early this year and we exchange... read more dozens of e-mails. She basically organised our entire week-end including activities outside their portfolio. It...More

oktoober 20, 2019
The entire area of former military base is well "decorated" using old military equipment and trucks. There are multiple custom-built cars, which are used for different motor paintball missions. Motor... read more paintball is definitely a must-try experience for those who like traditional paintball! Moreover, staff is very friendly and funny.
Overall, surely one of the best paintball experiences in Tallinn!

september 16, 2019
Very big range of fun stuff. Paintball is just awesome, with cars, barriers and all kind of difficult stages. Also you can do rampage on the cars. If you... read more want to shoot real guns, those guys will help you with that also.

august 8, 2019
Were a group of 11, did the motor paintball. Absolutely above any expectations: great host and service all through the experience, multiple well-designed games and team play missions to go... read more through in different surroundings (the place is a desolate Soviet military base/training ground with bunkers,...More

august 4, 2019
Tallinn Motor Paintball was the surprise activity for my weekend stag do. I can honestly say it made for the best weekend of my life! Every single one of the... read more nine lads who came along absolutely loved it. We are still sharing war stories days...More

juuli 16, 2019
Tallinn Motor Paintball was the surprise activity for my weekend stag do. I can honestly say it made for the best weekend of my life! Every single one of the... read more nine lads who came along absolutely loved it. We are still sharing war stories days later and it provided so much fun.
Right from initially entering the ex military base, with old vehicles and concrete bunkers setting the scene, we were filled with excitement. Combining vans and other vehicles with paint balling is a genius idea and none of us had experienced anything like it. The scenarios were fast paced, challenging and exciting. They ranged from capture the flag with vehicle insertion and reconnaissance to a hostage rescue using a van and smoke screen. Of course the final challenge shoot the stag provided a lot of entertainment.
The location was excellent providing varied battle areas in the woods and amongst bunkers. The vehicles were modified to shoot out from and insert or extract troops on the various challenges.
The gentleman running the day and his assistant were very good humored and had a lot of patience. He explained all the scenarios well and ensured we knew what we were doing and got the most out of each mission. I could go back tomorrow and do it all again. We all had such a great laugh. The bus ride back was great recounting so many moments from the day.
Thank you so much for such a memorable and enjoyable day. I couldn’t recommend Tallinn Motor Paintball more!

juuli 16, 2019
From start to finish Jane and the team were excellent in every way! The activities were extremely well organised, the transfers were perfect and everyone had a great time.... read more It’s tough finding words that adequately describe just how exhilarating and fun the destruction derby is...More

märts 28, 2019
I booked the Demolition Derby for my brother's stag last weekend and it turned out to be the best possible decision. Everything, from our first contact to our final drop-off,... read more went smoothly and we had a great time. Transfers were provided and when we were...More

märts 12, 2019
This was close to madness, but then a stag weekend is madness, we just loved it. It was exciting with the custom, banged up cars, paintball guns and games. A... read more few lumps and bumps but it was a fantastic experience at this old military base.

september 16, 2018
This was close to madness, but then a stag weekend is madness, we just loved it. It was exciting with the custom, banged up cars, paintball guns and games. A... read more few lumps and bumps but it was a fantastic experience at this old military base.

september 16, 2018
We organized a bachelor's party for 12 people and everything worked well. It was very easy for us: We were picked up from our hotel and brought back after the... read more event, and everything worked smoothly in between.

juuni 6, 2018
We organized a bachelor's party for 12 people and everything worked well. It was very easy for us: We were picked up from our hotel and brought back after the... read more event, and everything worked smoothly in between.

juuni 6, 2018
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